Charles County is a rapidly-growing area outside of the Washington DC Metropolitan area. Maryland NOW had a chapter here in our early years, but for reasons that residents might understand quite readily it’s not an easy area for feminists to organize.
As we struggle to lobby Rep. Steny Hoyer whose power has grown considerably in recent years, Hoyer has been very adamant that he only wants to hear from constituents on legislation and policy questions. This presents challenges as we are increasingly in positions, both as Maryland NOW and even in response to federal legislation National NOW seeks to influence where the voices of women and progressives are very much needed in Charles County.
We know there are other issues of concern to women in Charles County and we are eager to meet with anyone interested in getting involved to discuss how you want to organize a chapter there and what you want in the way of support from Maryland NOW.
NOW’s voice in Maryland is not really all that valuable without representation from all over our state. We are also attempting to work on chapters in Frederick, Western Maryland and our Eastern Shore counties, as well as Howard and the Northern Prince George’s County area.
Please contact us to join our next Charles County Zoom Member Coffee and share your vision with us! Write us here.