Maryland NOW’s Annual State Conference

Mark your calendar - Annapolis

Saturday June 1, 2024 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Our annual state conferece will be held as a hybrid event both in Annapollis, and via Zoom.

The in-person part of the conference is the first we’ve planned since 2019, so we’re very excited and hope as many as possible will plan to attend.

Conference Information: For more information about the keynote portion of our day, along with details about the afternoon workshops, please check here.

Bylaws Information: We will also be voting to approve revised bylaws for Maryland NOW. The link to that document will be here.  A summary of the proposed changes can be found here. 

Registration: The link to register for the conference is available here, and the conference registration form includes a link to the Donate page of our website where you can pay any amount you choose to register. .

The in-person part of the conference is the first we’ve planned since 2019, so we’re very excited and hope as many as possible will plan to attend.
