Maryland NOW’s Annual State Conference

Mark your calendar - Annapolis

Saturday June 1, 2024 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Our annual state conferece will be held as a hybrid event both in Annapollis, and via Zoom.

The in-person part of the conference is the first we’ve planned since 2019, so we’re very excited and hope as many as possible will plan to attend.

Conference Information: For more information about the keynote portion of our day, along with details about the afternoon workshops, please check here.

Bylaws Information: We will also be voting to approve revised bylaws for Maryland NOW. The link to that document will be here.  A summary of the proposed changes can be found here. 

Registration: The link to register for the conference is available here, and the conference registration form includes a link to the Donate page of our website where you can pay any amount you choose to register.

Cosponsor our conference with an ad in our conference program book!  Click here for a flyer that will describe the sizes of ads and prices, and an address you can email to ask any questions you may have about the process. The deadline for ads is Tuesday, May 28th. You may go to our “Donate” page to pay for your ad – just select that tab from the drop-down menu. Many thanks for your support!

This State Conference is the first in-person event we’ve planned since 2019, so we’re very excited and hope as many as possible will plan to attend.
