Seneca Falls – 2023 – Maryland Young Feminists Working for ERA


Maryland ERA/Seneca Falls organizers were thrilled to meet — for the first time — many young and older feminists in Seneca Falls who were from Maryland and who we hope to involve in Maryland NOW work!  Many of them made considerable sacrifices to get to the convention and we would like to help them out.

We were able to puchase three bus seats for Maryland Generation Ratify members, and have helped others out with contributions of money for food, van transportation, and lodging. We would also like to make an additional contribution to the VA NOW Bus! Your donations will STILL help us — in case you didn’t notice, none of these young women appear to be finished working on the ERA and we need to support their efforts. Please consider a donation to help us make sure that we can compensate some of these young women for some of their expenses.  Go here to make a donation. It will be much appreciated.