Sandy Bell, Chair
Barbara Hays, Secretary-Treasurer
The Maryland NOW Political Action Committee consists of the above named officers and a representative of each chapter in our state organization.
The Maryland NOW PAC requests all political candidates in the state to take a few minutes to respond to the PAC’s online questionnaire. During a Gubernatorial election cycle, a candidate may request a questionnaire if they haven’t received one from us. In non-Gubernatorial election cycle races in the State of Maryland, please contact to request a questionnaire. If the candidate is seeking a federal office, please contact us for a questionnaire so we can review the candidate’s responses and consider a recommendation to the National NOW PAC.
Maryland NOW PAC Chair Sandy Bell’s statement on the PAC’s endorsement of John King for governor
Maryland NOW Political Action Committee
Statement of Purpose
Working to elect women to political office in our state has been a major organizational priority throughout Maryland NOW’s history. Our PAC is active at the state level, and we can also make endorsements in county or judicial campaigns in the state of Maryland
We cannot endorse in “federal” campaigns, such as for the U.S. Congress and for national office. We can, however, make recommendations to the National NOW PAC for federal and national races. Sometimes our PAC makes those recommendations, but often the Maryland NOW Council is polled for their views.
Our PAC is made up of a representative from each of our member chapters. We also seek input from areas of the state where we don’t currently have chapters, so if you’re in such an area ((the western or southern part of the state) we’d love to hear from you and include you in our process. We currently use SurveyMonkey to distribute PAC Questionnaires to candidates running for statewide office. The PAC members meet, usually through videoconferencing, to discuss and make endorsements.
The Maryland NOW PAC is working during this four-year gubernatorial cycle to raise money. In addition to making endorsements, we want to be able to donate financially to campaigns as well. In addition, we also need money throughout the Gubernatorial Election Cycle to participate in funding candidate training and working to support political efforts statewide.
Our PAC can also support candidates by covering some expenses for Maryland NOW members who are willing to travel to work in a campaign, either here in Maryland or in other states. For example, we recently contributed to the Virginia NOW PAC in their work in 2019 in support of changing the balance of power in their state legislature in support of the ERA. We also covered expenses for a member who spent time in a Virginia state legislative district working on a campaign there.
The Maryland NOW PAC can accept contributions from the general public for our work. Please visit our PayPal link below to make a much-needed donation for our work. You can also mail a check to:
Maryland NOW PAC
P.O. Box 7216
Silver Spring, Maryland 20907
Please click here to print out the form from the State Board of Elections which we need for you to include with your check – this information is required by the State for our financial reports.
For more information about our PAC finances, please contact our PAC Treasurer for a copy of our most recent Annual Financial Report.
The 2022 Election Cycle is already underway. Please consider becoming a part of the PAC Leadership Team and help us make this year a great one for women in Maryland. We need to work on updating our questionnaire, setting up our survey software, planning our work statewide to communicate with MD NOW activists around the state to evaluate candidates and plan meetings for our PAC members to consider returned questionnaires. We need YOUR help! Contact us today!
This page, and space for any additional information about the Maryland NOW Political Action Committee (PAC) on Maryland NOW’s website was paid for by the MD NOW PAC, P.O. Box 7216, Silver Spring, MD 20907, Barbara Hays, Treasurer.