Take Action for the Equal Rights Amendment



United States Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Section 1. 

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Section 2. 

The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Section 3. 

This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.



Maryland Rally for the Equal Rights Amendment:  Photo Essay by Humsa Tammera, MOCO EmpowHER

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1.  Sign the Petition

Sign the Sign4ERA Petition urging Congress to recognize the Equal Rights Amendment.  Sign the petition online at Sign4ERA.org or sign by shouting into your phone!


2.  Contact Members of Congress

Urge constituents in the following US congressional districts to contact members of the United States Congress to urge them to sponsor the ERA-affirming resolution in the House of Representatives (House Joint Resolution 25) and sign the House discharge petition (Discharge Petition 6):

VA-3 Bobby Scott (VA-03) – urge to sign House Discharge Petition 6; co-sponsor HJ Res 25

ERA Congressional Outreach Script

3.  Contact President Biden

Contact President Biden to urge him to direct the US Archivist to publish the ERA.

4.  Follow and Broadcast on Social Media

 Follow #ERANOW #ERA100 #28thAmendment @ERACaucus @ERACoalition


View Photos from the

Vote Equality / Maryland NOW / AAUW Maryland

Ruthless Vote Getter Van Tour

Eastern Shore, April 2024


Maryland ERA-Affirming Resolution – 2024

This measure passed and was signed by Governor Moore on May 9, 2024.

Information on the 2024 Maryland ERA-Affirming Resolution


View Photos from the February 2024 Rally hosted by the Women Legislators of Maryland Caucus in support of the resolution.


Maryland NOW ERA Task Force

Mary Ann Gorman, Chair

Julie Wiater Ransel, Education Outreach Team Lead

Julie Wiater Ransel and Jeannette Feldner, Congressional Outreach Team Leads

Tracy Lantz, ERA Petition Team Lead

Pam Nicholson, VoteEquality RVG Eastern Shore Van Tour Team Lead